Category: Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt 3 Part 2

Welcome, darlings, potatoes, and aliens. IN SOME PLACES OF THE WORLD IT’S THE SAME DAY. Okay, sorry, I had it all written up last night but was unable to publish…

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Writing Prompt…3?

Wab-a-doop-dop. Welcome back, darlings, potatoes, and aliens. It’s late. I’m tired. Because I get tired at 7 pm. School sucks and life sucks and I’m sleep deprived, so you already…

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Writing Prompt 2 Part 2

Hello, darlings, potatoes, and aliens. So we have weekend breaks apparently. That’s fun. This is the second and last part of the previous writing prompt. That definitely does not mean its…

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Writing Prompt 1 Part 2

Hello, darlings, potatoes, and aliens! Welcome back. Yes, I’m already slipping on my promise to upload every day. But today I felt like crap (I just got a flu shot…

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Writing Prompt 1

 Hello, darlings, potatoes, and aliens. I welcome you to my new challenge. I will write a story (short or long) based on a writing prompt I’ve found. Prompt: So today’s…

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